We take our ESG responsibilities seriously.
We are committed to driving sustainable change and best practice in all we do.
Having a robust Environmental, Social and Governance strategy is fundamental to our business. Our partners, teams and customers expect it. We are committed to operating in a socially, ethically and environmentally-conscious way, leading the way for brands and businesses within our industry.
We stand committed to doing business in ways that are better for people and the planet.
Our 5-year ESG strategy, led by Executive Sponsor Nuno do Amaral, Chief Operations & Business Development Officer, outlines some ambitious targets for our business under 3 pillars: People, Planet and Product.
We understand how important conscious shopping is to our customers, so in 2022 we launched the Little Changes, Big Difference global omnichannel campaign. Together with our brand partners, we work to highlight sustainably and ethically-sourced, environmentally-friendly products and brands to help remove the “mystery” from conscious shopping.
Shopping definitely doesn’t need to cost the Earth.